When a dangerous scenario unfolds on the new reality of Ken Hale, the Gorilla Man, it’s up to the Enchantress (Jen) to lead a team of Negative Man (Sammi), Captain Bluebeard (Ing), The Human (Madison), and a restored Doctor Nemesis (Devin) to save the world!
Tag: podcast
Exiled Annual 2024: Blazeworld Pt 2
Blazeworld is about to collide with another planet! Now our Ghost Riding Exiles, Pattycake Parker the Spider-Breadman (Madison), Jessica Drew and her symbiote partner Bleak (Vexx Vixen), and Daken (Dylan), have to race to prevent the end of the world. GM’d by Jeff Stolarcyk.
Cover art by A D’amico.
Exiled Annual 2024: Blazeworld Pt 1
In Blazeworld, the only thing hotter than the flames are the cars! GM Jeff Stolarcyk takes the wheel as Pattycake Parker the Spider-Breadman (Madison), Jessica Drew and her symbiote partner Bleak (Vexx Vixen), and Daken (Dylan) team up to save the entire planet!
Cover art by A D’amico.
Volume 4: Episode 1: Two Degrees of Separation
The EXILED team, Jubilee, Wendigo, Ken Hale the Gorilla Man and Amora the Enchantress, discover more of the strange organization they’ve been drafted into before meeting a new fearsome foe in Canada!
Volume 3: Episode 4: The Enemy Within
The EXILED team, Jubilee, Wendigo, Ken Hale the Gorilla Man and Amora the Enchantress, seek out the Brood on the ship – but do they know how much danger they are even in?
Volume 3: Episode 1: Errand of Mercy
The EXILED team – Jubilee, Wendigo, Ken Kale the Gorilla Man, and whoever the new member is, are forced to go on a trip in space to protect a spear for a space mummy, and they make some friends along the way.
Our theme music is by Rhythm Bastard.
Volume 1: Episode 1: Rise of the Sinister Symbiote
The EXILED team is thrown together with Jubilee, Wendigo, Warlock and Ken Hale, the Gorilla Man – as they set off to save the Universe – somehow… probably defeating the Sinister Symbiote.